The Truth Behind Selena Gomez Breaking Up Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas (Niley vs. Nelena)

A lot of you have been attacking me to hurry up with this post so here it is! Brace yourselves. 


As we all know, Nick Jonas Miley Cyrus dated since they first met which was like in 2006. Miley says that her and Nick have been together for like two years and that they were in love, but unfortunately, they broke up at the end of 2007.


Because of that breakup, Miley says that she was in a very dark place. She said that she wanted to rebel against what Nick wanted her to do


and part of that rebelling, was this


She dyed her hair black because of him. She would cry herself to sleep every night and actually said that would sleep next to her mom because of how bad the heartbreak was. If the heartbreak was seriously THAT bad and it broke Miley like that, then something harsh must have took place…. something like a “cheating” issue.

For many years, I thought that Selena Gomez had nothing to do with the breakup of Miley and Nick Jonas but I was wrong. Why did Miley and Nick break up? Well Miley didn’t walk in on Selena and Nick making out. Selena went and told Miley that Nick kissed her and Miley, being the naive 15 year old she is, believed her right away. Because Nick and Miley were dating, Selena was around a lot and that’s not surprising of Selena because she always just so happens to be on the same longitude and latitude of very famous stars.

What do you see later after the breakup of Niley?



Selena sure got what she wanted (as usual because that’s what conniving humans get). Whatever Selena wanted, she got. Whether it’s to break Miley because she was jealous of her, she got it. Miley cried every night because of him and and went rebel mode and dyed her hair black.


Whether she wanted promo from Nick? She got it. The Jonas Brothers included Selena in their most popular song, Burnin’ Up and Selena got that free promo for her first album Kiss & Tell as I talked about here. That’s part of the reason why the Jonas Brothers don’t like her. She broke Nick and Miley apart. 


I screenshotted it from my other post which I linked you guys to.

It is also rumored that Nick wrote “Sorry”, for Miley. And yes Nick did write Sorry (along with Joe & Kevin) unlike people who lie about saying that they wrote break up songs when they didn’t. The song was on the album A Little Bit Longer which came out a couple months after their breakup.

If you look at the lyrics of “Sorry”, it is definitely about Miley. 


“Broken hearts and last goodbyes, restless nights by lullabies helps make this pain go away” This line proves that it is a breakup song and it came out right after they broke up so it can’t be about anyone else considering how him & Selena were still together after this song came out.

“I realize I let you down, told you I’d be around” Let her down by cheating.

“Filled with sorrow, filled with pain, knowing that I am to blame for leaving your heart out in the rain” This just proves that he’s the reason for the breakup and not Miley as Nick sings “I AM TO BLAME”

Harsh huh? Let me keep going.

He continues to sing about how he regrets breaking his promises to her and that he is gonna pay the price for this because it’s his fault.

UPDATE: I can’t believe I forgot this. 7 Things is about Nick and that was already confirmed by Miley’s best friend (at the time), Mandy.


Notice how she says “And now we’re standing in the rain” and if I’m not mistaken  this song was released before Sorry. Nick responds back by saying “Knowing that I am to blame for leaving your heart in the rain.”

“You love me, you like her” Do I even need to explain this any further? Obviously there was a girl involved that was the reason for their breakup and that girl was Selena. 

You know what’s sad about this whole thing? Miley and Nick got hurt because of Selena which to this point isn’t a surprise to me since Selena has hurt several people up to this day, but she broke them apart when she didn’t even love him. She just wanted that promo. 

On an article discussing Selena and Nick’s breakup


Lol why do I find this funny? If you scroll down the article which you can read here, it says this


Figures they would be having a new album out.


And now that that band is not as big as Selena apparently thought they would be, we never saw them again after Jelena happened. 

Here’s what Selena said about Nick after the breakup (x)


Leave it to Selena to victimize herself. I don’t know about you guys but I’m already used to Selena’s antics considering how the same thing happened with Justin. “It was like a year of my life completely wasted” Well of course you’d say that, Selena. Why waste a whole year dating someone if he wasn’t gonna benefit you with the promo and attention you wanted?

Nick clearly still loves Miley because he wrote/sang Wedding Bells after Miley got engaged. Listen to it here along with his speech.

It starts with “Pardon my interruption” which is an interruption since Miley just got engaged. And then he talks about him and Miley’s anniversary. Watch the video, it explains everything for itself. 

And Miley knows it’s about her because she says


Miley’s second single “Wrecking Ball” just came out (get it here) and a large majority think it’s about Nick.

I talked to my source about it because she brought it to my attention and it does seem to be about Nick and how Selena broke them up.

“I never meant to start a war” regarding her and Selena not being friends because of Nick. 

“All you ever did was break me” Clearly he broke her heart as we discussed earlier.“

"I put you high up in the sky” She was very proud of her love for Nick and even after the breakup, she said this


“Don’t you ever say I just walked away” Clearly she wasn’t the reason they broke up so she wasn’t the one who gave up on them.

“All I wanted was to break you walls” Sounds like she was very angry and wanted revenge in a way (but she’s not Selena so didn’t go out of her way to ruin someone)

Wrecking Ball could be a response to Wedding Balls or it could be about Liam. Who knows? I’d say it’s about Nelena because it fits perfectly.

I wouldn’t say it’s about Liam because this is what Miley said when asked about Wrecking Ball: "Wrecking Ball is one of the songs on my record that I feel would be hard for me to sing. Like yeah you can get used to a song and you become numb to it when you perform it a thousand times, but I don’t think that’ll happen with this one. It’s almost like looking back on pictures of someone you miss, it takes you back to that time and makes you feel the emotion all over again. The song means a lot to me but it would be harder to perform or even listen to because of what I was going through"

We already discussed Selena & Miley


After Nick & Miley’s breakup in 2007, Selena and Miley seemed to be friends in 2008. When Nick & Miley broke up, I wouldn’t say that Miley knew Selena was the reason since they continued to be friends later. And suddenly, they weren’t friends around the time Sorry got released. Like I said, Miley tried being friends with her but I mean Selena started dating Miley’s first love and they were the reason they broke up so I don’t think Miley would be too kind about it considering Wrecking Ball. Look at this infamous picture


Also, they’re not friends. Selena brings up Miley in interviews these past couple of days but I’d only say it’s because of Miley’s star power once again since she didn’t acknowledge her before. Also, Selena & Miley did run into each other at a studio since they were recording the same time but did they talk? No. Tweet about it? No. Take a picture? No. Don’t let Selena fool you when she said this


She was probably stabbing Miley in her head or just happy that Miley made her look like a saint. Haha, I joke I joke. No I don’t. Anyways, she’s constantly shading Miley so. 

The Jonas Brothers and Miley don’t like Selena. The Jonas Brothers and Miley maintain a healthy relationship. Enough said. Now you know why Nick & Miley broke up and here are the short dms between me and my source.


Selena is pretty evil right? Well like she says


and maybe she’s Selena Gomez, except she’s no queen.

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