Exposed: The Beadles & Jelena

If you’re not big fans of Justin Bieber, or just recently started becoming a fan, you probably don’t know who The Beadles are. The Beadles are Christian and Caitlin Beadles.


Before Justin was big in Hollywood, he was friends with Christian and Caitlin when he moved to Atlanta. Christian was his best friend and Caitlin was his girlfriend. 



So they were pretty close before 2011… aka before “Jelena”. 

Recently, someone who has met The Beadles and is close to Christian and talks to him on keek, contacted me. 

She was telling me about how Christian doesn’t like it when people use him for Justin and went on to tell me about Christian’s girlfriend Oliva, who was with Christian and did stuff that pissed Christian off. For example, she started posting pictures of Justin and said “he’s hot” and she wanted to meet him. So Oliva had already received Justin’s phone number from Christian and she was always tweeting about him which made Christian upset and spectacle about her. So Christian was telling her about Oliva because he was upset because Justin and Christian were in a fight about Selena and I guess the whole “using people for fame” was brought up. Christian was telling my source that he and Justin were in a fight because Justin and Caitlin were supposed to hang out and Selena ended up finding out and told him that they were over if he hung out with her so what did Justin do? He stood up Caitlin. By the way, Selena has that affect on people. Besides the part where she’s bitter and conniving, she’s also controlling. Justin basically made her, his top priority in 2011 and the only time he was rude to fans, is when she was with him. He wouldn’t really tweet his fans nor talk to anyone when she was with him. In 2012, they sorta had relationship problems and broke up several times before actually breaking it off publicly in November 2012. Anyways, back to what happened. Caitlin was upset about Justin not coming to hang out and Christian said stuff to Justin along the lines of “You’ve changed” and if I’m not mistaken, there were very shady tweets from Christian and Caitlin back in 2011. This whole fight between them, happened before they reconciled in June 2011. 


Back to their fight or “friendship hiatus”, Caitlin tweeted something about how fame changes someone before deleting it and that was pretty memorable since Beliebers attacked her. She ended up tweeting something about Justin being the same because of the hate she got.

Going off topic from the Beadles, if you guys remember, Chaz also had one of this little shady argument with Justin on Twitter as well.


After the hate Chaz got, he tweeted “Me and Justin aren’t fighting” which was just a way to calm everyone down considering they didn’t even hang out the way Ryan and Justin did. Also, if you guys remember in my other exposed posts, I talked about how Chaz never liked Selena and basically saw right through her like we do. Ryan is sorta the same but he doesn’t bring it up to Justin. He just keeps quiet and goes on with life. Justin never really hung out with HIS friends when he was with Selena, at least in 2011 when their relationship didn’t hit the rocks like it did in 2012. By the way, when we discussed Thought Of You and how it’s written about a conniving girl, keep in mind that Believe was written/recorded in 2011 - 2012 when Jelena was still on. 

Back to what I was saying, my source goes on to talk about how Justin still cares about Caitlin but Selena came in between that and again, this is not surprising. Justin didn’t hang out with a lot of people everyone thought he was close to, when Selena was with him. Going off topic again, (sorry, this is just a big thing to discuss with so many weird directions) Justin was very close with Miley and hung out with her 2010


but when Jelena started, Justin and Miley didn’t have any run ins or even talk about each other as they do now in 2013. This was a result of Selena being jealous of Miley and Selena is the jealous type. I’m not the  only one reporting that Selena is jealous of Miley but several articles reported that too when Justin was hanging out with Miley. So Selena saw Caitlin as a threat. Justin’s exes got along with each other, for example, Jasmine and Caitlin and Jessica were pretty friendly and even though Selena basically forbid Justin from talking to them, especially Caitlin, Justin & Caitlin still remained somewhat of a close friendship (before distance and Selena drove that friendship apart… again). One time, Jelena actually crashed Jessica Jarrell’s birthday which Jessica found a bit odd since they weren’t really friends because of Selena 



Speaking of crashing birthdays… Jelena apparently made an appearance at Caitlin’s 18th birthday 


In the photo, you see Selena, some girl, behind her is I think the girl from Justin’s One Time music video, and then Caitlin. Hey maybe Justin got Caitlin these


who knows, right? (UPDATE: Okay that photo of the girls in the photobooth was taken at Justin’s 16th birthday. I was confused considering I found the photo in a video labeled “Caitlin’s 18th birthday party pics” oh and I was just kidding about the shoes as a gift thing. A lot of you didn’t get that. Anyways, go on with your reading) As you can see, Justin’s past “female friends” all remained friendly with each other. Selena? Hahahahaha no. Whether you think I’m lying or not, which I’m not, you can’t deny this. 

Back to what I was saying…

My source goes on to talk about how Selena changed Justin whenever she was around and this is actually true because like I discussed, he was always rude to fans when with her, and he stopped being friends with people he was close to. So anyways, she says that when the Beadles would visit Pattie, Justin was really nice when Selena wasn’t around but when she was…. it was a different story. And the Beadles, especially Caitlin, were pretty close with Pattie


That’s a relationship Selena did not have with Pattie which says A LOT. Pattie may say Selena is a sweet girl but obviously she’s not gonna call her son’s girlfriend a bitch when 1. She’s being interviewed. 2. SHE’S HIS SON’S GIRLFRIEND! Hm.. I wonder what Pattie’s story is with Selena. 

So anyways, when visiting Pattie and both the Beadles and Jelena were present, Justin was pretty rude to Caitlin whenever Selena was around even though Christian says that they text and were very sweet to each other. But… here’s the twist. Christian told my source that Selena took Justin’s phone and texted Caitlin something around the lines of “Don’t talk to me anymore” which is not surprising since Selena does have the guts to fake a text considering

-she was his top priority so she wasn’t scared of how he’d react (Justin probably doesn’t even know about this)

-she has the guts to attack him on national television

My source then says that Justin would hang out with Christian without Caitlin really being involved and they would hang out on low key but I guess that all stopped probably somewhere after August 2011. She also said that Justin would get advice from Caitlin about Selena and that seems like something Justin would do considering how he usually handles stuff in a very….. weird…. awkward… way… and I guess asking your ex-girlfriend who you’re not supposed to talk to, advice for your current girlfriend, is a very “Typical Justin” thing. 

Christian had a really big crush on Selena before Jelena and I guess that crush somewhat stimulated him not to believe his sister when she told him it was really Selena who texted her, but luckily for Caitlin, he did believe her. Justin is probably the one who has no clue about this.. and Justin does remain clueless about everything going on in life and I’d love to bring everything that has happened earlier this year with his friends, his house, and the constant partying at his place when he was away on tour, but I won’t. It just proves my point of how Justin is a clueless person and I think that’s resulting of him being too nice and everyone taking advantage of him. 

Does anyone else realize something…. now since Jelena is over, who do you see hanging out? THE 2009 CLIQUE. 


Here are the dms between me and my source





















Hopefully this answered your questions/thoughts on why everything was when Jelena was still together.


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