I got this on my ask.fm “Nothing you’ve written is outright hateful. You’re just proving why selena isn’t as innocent and ‘queen’ like as some of her selenators make her out to be. So basically, they’re hating on you for 'hating’ when in fact you’re not hating, you’re exposing. How sad for them. They actually think you have time.”


IT’S ABOUT TIME SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS. So you ignorant fucks who send me questions on ask.fm that are useless, and then you get upset when I reply with a very rude response, you deserve it. 

ANYWAYS. Three things

  • I’m posting Ariana vs. Selena, TODAY.
  • I’ll expose the Beadles/Jelena thing, this Monday (8/26)
  • I’ll expose the Niley thing, the following Wednesday (8/28)

It’s your fave exposers.



So I was editing my files...