Selena Gomez; a liar and a hypocrite?

I’m just gonna focus on one aspect of her constant lying and hypocrisy, and that aspect is the topic of bullying, and Justin Bieber. 


Aw that’s sweet of her. What’s not the sweet is the lying and being a hypocrite part. 

Selena said there that she gets bullied a lot. Lets interpret it the two different ways you can. 

1. Talking about before the fame.

Firstly, Selena herself said she was never bullied. That’s the lying part. Don’t believe me? Let me quote her and you can go on to read that interview here, “I was unpopular in high school, but not bullied.” and then she says she got bullied a lot? Ok. But I get it. When you lie, you end up getting lost in your lies.

2. Talking about now

Getting hate as a celebrity is NOTHING compared to actual bullying. Yeah it’s cyberbullying but you know what, you’re not gonna have life easy when you’re out making millions that easy. Especially when you’re Selena and you really don’t work for anything considering she doesn’t write her music or anything of that sort. And I won’t even mark celebrity hate as cyberbullying since your fans will go after the haters delivering the same sort of hate and then we’re all caught in an act of hypocrisy! Speaking of hypocrisy, let me get to that.

So Selena is out there crying about the fucking hate she gets when she was out hating on Justin the past couple of months AND got her co-workers and bitches, to join on their hating party. How the fuck are you gonna sit here saying “Oh feel bad for me because I get so much hate” and then go drag the floor with Justin?? Hello?? Am I the only one seeing how completely disgusting she is?? She turned the entire world against him and got the media on her side and framed him as a fucking douche and then we should feel bad for her??? If anything, she deserves the hate. It’s a two way street hun. You don’t hate on someone and then not expect hate back. 

But when you’re Selena, you think that hate as a celebrity, is worse than actual bullying in school as I quote “You may be getting bullied at school, but I’m getting picked on by the whole world!” (min 1:20 [X]) Poor Sel! People get beat up at school and humiliated in front of people they get to face everyday, but I’m sure waking up early to tour the world and perform in front of admiring fans plus attend so many fancy events all around the world, is so much harder! Pray for Selena ♥ She’s a victim in this world. 


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