Lets count all the times Selena Gomez shaded Justin Bieber
This post gets updated every time Selena shades Justin.
1. I Knew You Were Trouble dance video (x)
2. Singing ‘I Knew You Were Trouble’ while making the most bitter facial expressions. (x)

3. Singing 'Cry Me A River’ (x) - I wasn’t gonna include this one since Justin sang it also

but here’s the difference. He sang it first out of hurt as you can see if you watch here, and his facial expressions are nothing like Selena’s that include eye rolling, sassiness, and etc. I couldn’t get a good screenshot of her doing all that but you can watch it for yourselves.

4. Everybody Knows (Your Boyfriend is a douchebag) dance video (x) she put this video on private at first and then disabled the comments because she knows what was coming from beliebers
5. Again when she appears here at 4:27 for like a second, in a video where the “douche” is dressed like Justin.
Selena did two(three) dance videos that were really dedicated to Justin, in regards to their breakup. She made a whole choreography just to shade her ex because she’s bitter. But it’s cool, no worries, because while she did that, Justin was on a sold out tour in stadiums Selena hasn’t heard of. Regardless of anything,

Let me cancel all excuses here. “It wasn’t for Justin, it was for Taylor/Selena’s friend going through a breakup.” Selena alongside her friends, dancing to a BREAKUP song, in the midst of Selena going through a breakup, is shade to Justin. Denying it means you’re delusional. Oh and Selena’s bitter friend also confirmed that each of them dedicated it to someone

6. “That makes two of us” (x)

Selena laughs about making Justin cry. And no it’s not a fucking joke so don’t make excuses.
7. “Only has eyes for you”

Oh and that’s her mimicking him as in him looking at all the girls when he’s with her. He’s only ever had eyes for her whenever they were together but of course because Bitterlena feels the need to shade her ex to make headlines, we get that frightening look. But really she has the nerve to say that when she spent Thanksgiving at another guy’s house. So basically she’s implying he cheated on her even though we never got pictures of him all cuddly with girls during the relationship. Selena on the other hand, we have several pictures of her groping guys even though she’s still with Justin.

8. “My 4th album shows how I’ve been through a lot of things emotionally & physically"
That was from some interview I can’t locate. Here we have Selena implying that Justin hit her when the only abusive person in the relationship was her. Lets not forget her slapping him in public.
9. "It’s a sad, sad serenade” (x)

A lot of you will argue that this isn’t shade (but unfortunately not only is it shade, and it’s an indirect way of her using him hype up the album which I discuss in a different post) but she’s pointing peace signs towards a hat where it has the same exact symbol that Justin has tattooed

10. “YOU screwed it up” changing the lyrics in Love Will Remember – song that she said she wrote about him and sometimes says he wrote it with her, even though none of them had a part in the writing process and she’s just a liar, from “WE screwed it up” to “you” at Vancouver show. (x)
Blaming the relationship on him and playing the victim role which Selena perfects.

11. This is self explanatory

Not only is that shade, but that framed him as a cheater.

I really don’t know what she was trying to do here.
13. In March when she said


She’s really full of it. She’s ungrateful, ridiculous, and terrible. I’m not here for her constant shading habits and her having the nerve to talk about disrespect.

You can interpret this in two different ways. The way of shading or the way or using Justin indirectly to promote her album. “No looking back now” = not looking at the past = Selena’s past; Jelena = recording songs about him. How is that promo? People would want to buy the album to see what more she’ll do after all the shade she’s already thrown. Shade how? Well that’s obvious. She’s not gonna have any mercy on Justin and she will drag him. However, it was all for promo since in the end, she wrote none of the songs “about” Justin and the album was all about sex. Point blank.
16. In this interview, several shade is thrown. It’s minor at first, like just petty little reactions

from there, we should have realized that the rest of the interview is about Justin because then Selena who really shocked me, use a METAPHOR. I did not know Selena knew what a metaphor is! But then again, they probably told her backstage when they were planning out the interview. Yes… Selena’s interviews are almost always scripted. If they’re not, then there are certain rules the interviewer has to follow; like what NOT to ask. How do I know? Well this has been done before. Some guy went to interview Selena, and then he discussed the list of rules he had followed. Anyways….. her shade continues when she talks about Justin… as a DOG. The interviewer asks “Is everything okay between you and Baylor?” and she says

When have they ever asked her about Baylor? And when they have, it’s nothing like that. Listen to Justin’s music journals, everything he sang there, she basically used there. This interview also happened, after Justin has been rumored several times to be with strippers who allowed him to touch their ass. Before you can make excuses for this one, I’ll stop you with this one. At minute 3:30, he asks her something like “Do you wanna take a stab into those rumors about you and your dog Baylor?” THERE AREN’T NO RUMORS ABOUT HER AND BAYLOR. It’s about Justin, obviously. This is the 16th time, I wonder what her 17th shade will be.

Look at this obvious jab at Justin. After Justin releases a sexy All That Matters video with a hot model that plays his love interest, Selena’s bitterness takes over to her instagram as she posts a photo with her makeup free thinking she’s superior than Justin’s video girl, Caitlin. You may be makeup free but that filter game at a 100. Anyways, Justin’s girl choice is usually known to be in the Latin category which proves that that photo was one of the multiple times Selena tried to shade Justin. It’s a good thing Caitlin responded to Selena by calling her out on her bitterness

I guess now that Selena’s on break from her tour, she has to make headlines somehow.

This is not the first time Selena mocks Justin as you see earlier in her shading attempt, during the Everybody Knows Your Boyfriend is a Douchebag video, her and her bitter friends imitate Justin smoking weed. Lmao Selena acting as if she never did it. Notice how Selena says “Destroying property”. Hm. That sounds familiar for when Justin made headlines for this graffiti in Brazil

Someone tell Selena to stop spending so much energy in trying to shade her ex for over a year, and go put some time in vocal training or some dance lesson…. or therapy.
Can’t believe I missed this one. This one wasn’t even shade but pure hatred.

And no it wasn’t Priscilla’s ex-boyfriend since she wasn’t even broken up with anyone or going through a breakup at the time but Selena was. So Priscilla was holding up what Selena was shooting at and it was obviously very mature to write ex-boyfriend on it.
20. “He’d rather models”

21. “Happier with models he is”

22. “I’m just too normal”


Someone on Instagram posts the caption under Ashley’s photo and then Justin’s comment, and then Selena liked it. Very mature.

Self explanatory


27. On a post that says Selena supports Justin, Selena commented saying

Like seriously? Justin isn’t even your boyfriend. You use him, leave, and then announce something new for your career. It’s a cycle.
The last time she was with him, what was announced next? That she’s working on a Greatest Hits Album. I don’t know what hits she’s gonna include in there since she doesn’t have any, but might as well include the time she hit Justin.
Pretty sure I missed a couple of things but you know you lose count after it’s been done SEVERAL times. But when you’re Selena Gomez and has been getting by in Hollywood because of the person you’re dating as the Washington post agrees with me “What else was a girl like Selena Gomez, a thoroughly adorable graduate of the Disney Channel Tween Princess Finishing School supposed to do? Burdened/unburdened with no real identity of her own — at least until she began dating Justin Bieber — she was defined by who she wasn’t, the girl who wasn’t Miley Cyrus or Demi Lovato.”, you’re gonna have to find a way to scrape headlines huh?
Sad how the younger person was more mature in the relationship by telling his clique “Not to fire back” a rule Selena’s bitches should really take considering what happened the night of the breakup

and that’s not even half of it!
I mean

Updated Video on this
So if I’m pathetic for writing the truth about Selena, then Selena must be a hell of a fucking loser, like I am according to her fans, for being an immature fuck and hating on her and humiliating ex in public.