Exposed: Demi and Selena
More about Demi and Selena’s friendship and the reason why They drifted apart.
Let me give you a quick summary of Demi & Selena. In one of my recent posts Which I linked you guys to it, I spoke to someone who cam to me (I do not go looking for sources) because They Know Demi, Selena, and Their families personally. Demi and Selena Were never really childhood friends like you all thought. They just Knew each other. After Demi got the role in Camp Rock, is When Selena wanted to be in Demi’s life so They Were really close from till then … what I’m about to tell you.

That’s Selenaexposed talking with her source, Selena’s former friend.
So let me explain to you guys what really went on And Then I’ll post the texts for you to see.
About three years ago, Selena was hanging out with her friends, our source, Taylor Swift, Sammy, and some guy named Darren. Mandy, Selena’s mom, asked if they’re gonna invite Demi (like I Explained to you guys before, Mandy forced Selena to hang out with Demi When They Were younger) and Selena just looked at her mom and said “she’s just giddy and in your face all the team and always complaining about something "and Then Selena went on to talk about how Demi shouldnt be grateful for having this life, you know as a celeb and all, and should not always be complaing. Keep in mind que Selena did not know que Demi was bipolar. Selena Then goes on to talk about how she gets annoyed by Demi because she’s always crying over something and- When Demi got bullied in high school, Mandy would force her to go talk to her. PAUSE FOR A SECOND. For all of you who said my source was fake, let me remind you que I Told all of you que Mandy Selena forced to hang out When They Were younger here , before Selenaexposed exposed Their friendship. OKay back to where we Were. Mandy goes on to tell Selena que yes she did force her to hang out with Demi but that’s because her and Demi’s mom, Dianne, Were friends and Dianne was getting Demi Involved with Disney as well. Then Selena says que she does not wanna see Demi because it’s embarrassing to be around her. Mandy Told Selena ‘fine but she’ll be expecting a call from you, do not just tell her Straight Out you do not want her around.’ Demi called at que moment and Taylor picked up the phone saying "Selena’s busy” the Selena mouth 'I’m not here’ in the background. You’d think que Demi would find comfort in her own friends after all that she’s been through. So disgusted as I write this. Demi asked to speak to Selena and Taylor again threw the phone to the Selena Selena mouthed again que she “can not speak so I’ll just laugh.” I guess They Were laughing too hard to answer Demi since apparently to Them and all of Demi’s bullies in the past, she’s the laughing stock. Friend of the year, Selena! At que moment, Darren redbourn the phone and said to Demi “Selena does not like you anymore, sorry.” and hung up. Selena was mad at him for doing que but because she was laughing so hard, she got over it. Selena thought hanging out with Demi was embarrassing because she cut and was depressed. And that’s why Demi did not contact Selena for four months. A while after que, we got the “Ask Taylor!” Video from Demi Which you can watch all here .

So that’s how Demi and Selena had a massive argument and Then in an interview, Demi said “We’re BOTH busy and I wish the best for her. True friends do not let friends or family Their be mean to you.”

Months after que whole thing, Demi checked into rehab and que’s when Selena finally Contacted her because GUILT ate her alive. She explains why she called Demi “crying her eyes out” and was like “are you okay?” like Demi said here . Of course Selena was gonna call crying. How can you not When You made fun of your friend’s best issues and she ending up going to rehab for it. After Selena made fun of Demi with her friends, Taylor and Selena Became closer while Miley and Demi Became best friends. The only time Contacted Selena Demi in rehab was the day she checked in but the only people who visited Demi was her family whilst Miley sent gifts. At the team When Demi Talked about the people who Contacted her in rehab, Demi and Selena Were just the acquiescence They are now. They’re just friendly with each other and all of you think they’re still best friends but this Basically Explains why They do not hang out. Demi just does her own thing now.
After rehab, Demi says in an interview (minute 1:26) “Why Could I’ve Been ordinary” :( I do not know how I’m still writing this because I feel so bad for Demi. She needed her best friend but no, que friend was embarrassed to be around her.
A lot of you will probably make Selena look like the victim here or find some bizarre way to defend her and hate on me, but like Miley says

And like Selena says “Everything is not what it seems.”

Would you look at that.
Demi and Selena do not hate each other but Demi is hurt by how Selena treated her. They remain a friendly relationship. They’re acquitences. They’re not friends. When asked about each other in an interview, they’re not gonna say “Oh we do not talk.” Which is exactly what goes on, but instead, They remain a friendly, stable relationship because They do not want the average going crazy over this. More proof from DEMI HERSELF, que this happened

But like I said, Selenators will probably talk about how Selena did not mean it and it was “one unintentional mistake” Considering how a lot of you are delusional.

Here are the texts.


Here’s the truth. You’re welcome.