Exposed Even More

So you guys recently have found a lot of true stuff about Selena behind closed doors regarding my recent exposed posts thanks to Selenaexposed who has been a very helpful and reliable source. Good news though. I found a new inside source who knows Selena, her family, Demi, and the Jonas Brothers personally. If you think I’m lying, please exist my page or keep scrolling because I assure you, this is nothing but the hardcore truth and it should answer questions we’ve all had, even Selenators. Why is Selena always coincidentally, with someone who’s at their biggest peak? Why does Selena rarely ever visit her family? Why do Selena and Demi not hang out even though they both claim they’re still friends? What really went on between Selena and Demi? Why did Kevin Jonas shade Selena? Why doesn’t Selena maintain a friendly relationship with the Jonas Brothers like Miley and Demi do even though they’re exes? This post will answer every single question.

A. Selena and her family


Selena’s dad left Selena and her mom so we’re not even gonna discuss him since I know nothing about him. Clearly, everyone thinks Selena is the sweetest angel to ever live so that’s why a lot of you find it hard to believe what I’m saying. My inside source tells me that Selena isn’t as nice and polite as she seems. She’s very disrespectful to her mom, even as a kid, and if she doesn’t get her way, her mom wouldn’t hear the end of it. Why do you think Selena rarely ever, if never, visits her family? They don’t like her. And by family, I mean her family back in Texas. I know that she lives with Brian and her mom.


You still are.

Mandy is like Selena. Who do you think Selena learns from? That happy mother-daughter relationship you see, could be true or could not be. All I know is that Selena is disrespectful. 


B. Justin around Selena and her family

Justin always calls his younger fans “cuties” so one time when Justin met Selena’s cousin, he said something along the lines of “hey little cutie” and Selena basically scoffed in disgust saying “She’s not cute” and then went on to insult her. Yes she insulted a little girl. How do I know this? Well like I said, my source knows Selena and her family personally and she’s a friend of Demi and Demi’s family. I still can’t believe how jealous Selena gets of kids tho. I mean look.


You’ll find out more about why would my source tell me this if she’s a friend of the family? But keep in mind that just because you’re “friends” and all buddy buddy with one another, doesn’t mean you actually like each other. Keep that in mind when it comes to my source and Selena & Demi’s friendship.

C. Selena and Charlie.

Pretty sure all of you don’t know who Charlie is. I didn’t either until I spoke with my source. Charlie was Selena’s boyfriend before all the fame and my source says that “Everyone in Grand Prairie knows the story of Selena and Charlie.” It was your average kiddy relationship. Selena and Charlie were dating when Selena auditioned for Wizards of Waverly Place which was around the time she was 14 years old.

When she got the part, she texted Charlie saying that she doesn’t want a relationship with him. At this point, Selena is going to LA and she can’t bother with her old life. She’s a star now. That should explain every relationship Selena has ever had in Hollywood.

This should explain why she’s friends with people in Hollywood at their peaks. The girl knows how to make connections. Let me keep going because it gets more complicated.

D. Selena and Demi

Selena is from Grand Prairie and Demi is from Grapevine. Everyone thinks that Selena and Demi have been friends since they were 7 but we were ALL fooled. Selena never even talked to Demi when they were on Barney and then I asked my source, ‘How come there are pictures of Demi and Selena when they were younger?’ and she said “Selena never wanted to see Demi. Every time she did, it’s because her mother forced her.” Where do you think Selena learned her ways from? Her mother of course. Do you think Selena actually chose to do Spring Breakers? Her mother was the one who brought her the script. Mandy can control Selena, regardless of Selena’s attitude towards her mother. I mean she is her mother after all.

Update: In a recent interview, Selena got caught in the act. I said that Selena and Demi weren’t friends since they were 7, right? Look

She stuttered and said that she knew Demi when they were 13, WHICH IS TRUE, but then fixed the truth into a lie. Demi was around 13 when she first got the role for Camp Rock as Selena goes on to say; “but that was when she started singing”. Keep reading.

Moving on. When Demi blew up with Camp Rock, that’s when Selena wanted to be in her life. Think about it, Selena and Demi were rarely ever together when they were kids on Barney and there were several photos and videos of them during/after Camp Rock. When Demi went to rehab, Selena said that she called Demi and visited her every other week when Selena NEVER visited her and only called her once when she found out that Demi was in rehab. Selena was too busy groping her minor of a boyfriend, at the time which is self explanatory. The only people who visited Demi was her family. How does my source know this? Well like I said before, she knows both families personally. Selena and Demi met up after Demi got out of rehab because the whole world was focused on Demi and how strong she was because she was battling her addictions.


But where were YOU Selena when Demi was actually in rehab? You know when people didn’t ask about Demi? Being Justin Bieber’s arm accessory right. Selena and Demi don’t ever talk and that probably has to do with the fact that Selena called Madison, Demi’s little sister, fat. Selena isn’t too nice when it comes to judging people considering how she called a Belieber fat also. She’s RUDE. Remember all the times she publicly humiliated Justin and shade him in PUBLIC? Imagine what she does behind closed doors. Where did we see Selena and Demi after Demi’s rehab? Once at the VMAS? Once at the TCAS? Once at New Years? Did they ever actually hang out beside running into each other at events? NO. One time at a family get together, Justin and Selena were brought up and Demi got all serious and said “That poor boy is gonna get his heart broken” and then she refused to explain why. Is Demi psychic? Because she was right all along.


Listen to Nothing Like Us, a song he actually wrote. Listen to She Don’t Like The Lights and Thought Of You.

Selena and Demi don’t talk. They don’t hang out. You won’t see them together unless there is something in it for Selena because that’s how she works.

E. Hollywood Records

Why is HWR favoring Selena and giving us the impression that they’re sabotaging Demi? Apparently Selena is threatening to sue them if they don’t promote her which is stupid on her part considering how they can easily drop her but then again.. there is a contract involved.


Don’t you ever wonder why we never see Selena around childhood friends? She dropped them since they don’t benefit her in anyway with her career and she changes her number whenever someone gets in contact with her.

F. The Jonas Brothers

Remember Selena and Nick Jonas’ relationship? Unlike Selena, Nick isn’t the type to want to have a high profile relationship and if you look at all his relationships, we don’t really know much about them like we know about Selena’s.. more specifically, Jelena. Selena broke up with Nick when Nick didn’t want what Selena wanted and that’s publicity. My source tells me that the younger Jonas Brother, Frankie, his favorites were Miley and Demi. When Selena and Nick were dating, and Frankie wanted to hang out with Nick, Selena would tell him that Nick is too busy for little kids. Selena always acted like this. She was always rude. [X] [X] When the Jonas Brothers died down, and the next big thing was Justin Bieber, Selena broke it off with Nick. It’s true that history repeats itself. First Charlie, then Nick, and now Justin. (she even tried it with One Direction). Selena told Nick that she needs all the promo she can get for Kiss & Tell which was her only album because at the time, A Year Without Rain wasn’t released. That one was released when Selena already moved on to Justin. Also, in 'Bang Bang Bang’ where Selena didn’t get credit for taking part in writing it, she says “My new boy really likes to flaunt this” and that song came out when she was with Justin. So basically she’s saying that Justin doesn’t hide her like Nick did. Anyways back to what I was saying, she also said that Justin is a little kid and will do whatever his management tells him to do. Since the start, Selena has always viewed Justin as a little kid. She always called him her “little brother” and even after the breakup, she said she doesn’t want a child because she feels like she’s babysitting him. Earlier this year, Kevin Jonas shaded Selena and you can read about it here. The Jonas Brothers hate Selena. They said that their favorites go 1. Demi 2. Miley. and Selena is their least favorite. Demi is till friends with them and Miley maintains a healthy relationship with them considering how Nick wrote “Wedding Bells” for her. Clearly, all this that I’m saying is right since the Jonas Brother’s dislike for her, backs it up.


Before you send me hate and calling me psychotic for writing this, take a second and piece it all together. I have a reliable source so I know this is true and I really don’t care what her fans think, but just think for a second. Like Selena says; “It’s not what it seems” and for SURE Selena is not who she seems. What can I say? She’s a great actress. Why do you think she perfected Alex Russo so well? Alex Russo is basically Selena Gomez. Selena is basically emotionless. She doesn’t really have a personality. All her interviews? Lol those are mostly scripted.

Here is my conversation with my source. Please respect that she wants to stay anonymous. Also, ignore the times the messages were sent because I don’t know why Twitter does this, but if something is sent this second, it says it was sent 3 hours ago. I don’t know if it’s only happening to me but yeah here’s the conversation.


I crossed out what she said there because since my source wants to stay anonymous, she doesn’t wanna risk Selena coming across this because that line gives away who she is and Selena will know and since we know Selena’s conniving ways, no one really wants trouble with her.



By the way, Selena herself said that when she was younger, she always wanted the attention on her. People don’t really change guys.

So that’s that. You can talk to me on Twitter or


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