Selena Gomez was apparently stressed out because of her breakup with Justin Bieber?

Why do I say apparently? Well lets talk about it.

Here, Selena (Gomez if you don’t know who she is) talks about how “way stressed out” she was after her breakup with Justin and also says “I’m sure you could actually see those pictures of me being, like, way stressed out about it and it’s hard, because what do you do? Do you just wanna sit in your house and hide and not go anywhere?”

Aw you poor soul : You must have had a very hard time. 

Guys, look how sad she is :(

“That makes two of us”


“I just met Brad Pitt, I’m fine" when asked about Justin.


Poor Selena wondering if she should stay home



Oh look at classy Selena mocking his habits


poor Selena stressed out so she has to do a "fuck you” dance move :(


“Only has eyes for you”


Yeah completely stressed out. Poor Selena, how does she live?

You know what, maybe she should quit the whole pity act since she’s desperate for sympathy from the media. Aw how cute of her hyping her album by using the same person she’s been using for over the past two years. How classy.

The only stress Selena went through during the break up with Justin, was trying to hit those notes while attempting and failing to sing Cry Me a River.

If anyone was stressed out, it was the other half of the relationship, Justin. You know the same one who had a terrible week in the UK after having club problems at his birthday, getting into a fight with the paparazzi, having some psycho ex girlfriend leak photos of him and shade him, oh and collapsing on stage and ending up in the hospital. But I’m sure choosing which song to shade Justin with was super stressful though. Right, Selena?

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