Selena Gomez Says She's "100% Single" After Going Back to Justin Bieber for "Come & Get It" Promo


Justin Bieber posted a picture of him shirtless with Selena Gomez straddling him, during her promotional tour of Come And Get It which I guess meant it made a stop in his hotel room.

Yesterday, Selena Gomez said on KISS108 that she’s “100% single”. (min 9:00) Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t everyone think they got back together after Bieber posted her straddling him the week of Come & Get It’s release?

I don’t know about you guys, but if there’s a picture of me straddling some guy after we’ve been dating for two years, everyone is gonna assume that we’re back together. Not only did that picture appear during the release of Come & Get It, but didn’t she reconcile with him several times as well. She also flew out to Norway to go see him.

And now….. two days after she gets her first top 20 single…… she’s “100% single”………….

Well if you look at it from a fame hungry monster perspective, like Selena, why does she need Justin anymore if finally she got what she failed to do 9 times before? She probably dumped his ass after after she got that top 20.

Yes.. this is her first top 20. She’s failed to achieve that with her first 3 albums.




Ladies and gents, Selena Gomez.


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