Justin Bieber Posts Shirtless Picture of Him and Selena Gomez on Instagram
I’m gonna take my wildest guess and say that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together. Why would I say that? Hm I think this picture which he posted on his instagram says enough.

Quite a coincidence that Ms. Gomez is seen straddling the same person who she insulted, humiliated shaded, and dragged in the media these past few months. It sorta triggers questions like “Did Selena’s last movie flop?” “Does Selena have a new song that came out?” “Does Selena have a new album coming out?” “Is Selena having a worldwide tour that she needs to sell out anytime soon?” I answer yes to all these questions.
Well that’s a little sad.
Spring Breakers made roughly about $17 million in the 6 weeks its been released which is not good.
Come & Get It, Selena’s new single that failed to sell over 23k in its debut week flopped harder than ever.
Selena is releasing her 4th new album and is going on a worldwide tour.
What a coincidence that she’s crawled her way back to him as soon as her career goes downhill. I mean it’s clear that she’s using him even though he’s too blind to notice. She’s been preaching about how happy she is because she’s single to only have her back to straddling Bieber? Yeah we see right through her fake act.
It’s obvious that Justin Bieber is quite in love with her especially since he’s been sparking rumors that he got her tattooed on him. Bad decisions all around him..
It’s also no coincidence that the second her single flops, she goes back to him. I mean she needs to sell out that tour so now people might buy tickets in hopes of Justin showing his face. It’s like a repeat of her tour When The Sun Goes Down.
That’s what her career consists of now, huh? How sad.